
Showing posts from 2009

Easter Egg on Flash

Macromedia Hidden Game 1. Click Help > About Flash 2. Quickly, *double* click the Macromedia logo with the two upward pointing arrows, to the right of the About Box. 3. Click the "thanks" button to the right to make th logo bounce up and down. 4. Click the "team" button to the right to play the rather cool "Gary's Car Jump Game!" 5. Try to get past 12 cars, that's as far as I got! :) Bouncing logo Go to the About Box of flash, then point your mouse on the M logo. There's a small clickable spot there that makes the logo bounce (just like in the doubleclick egg). Alien Containment Facility If you look at the Flash 4 CD-ROM, there is a directory called "Third Party" where third party software resides. In that directory, there is another called The Alien Containment Facility. Open up the index.htm or the Flash movie. Click the first enter button to get to the main screen. Click the Menu button to get to the main menu. Click...

Easter Egg on Enfish Tracker Pro

Hitchiker's Guide 1. Size the main window so you can see the desktop. 2. Type anything into the find box (e.g. your name) and click apply. 3. Create a new text file on the desktop and rename it to ZAPHOD.42 4. Drag it into the Tracker window. 5. Look at the icon and type. Funny Install Message 1. When you first install Eudora Light, you have at the right of the Help Menu, an extra menu called "Eudora Pro" which give you informations about Eudora Pro Software 2. You can remove this menu choosing the command menu "Remove this menu" 3. Note the message about the command on the status line "Have you ever cutt off a tree branch while sitting on that branch?" 4. It is a joke!! Add Spikes to Animation 1. Open Ewan 2. Click Help|About 3. Double-click with the right mouse button to add spikes to the animation

Easter Egg on Canvas

Credits Scroll (v5.0.3) 1. Hold down the CTRL key 2. Select "About Canvas" from the help menu Canvas 8 music Open up canvas 8 and hold down ctrl-shift-apple and click on about canvas!!

Easter Egg on Automap

Rotating Car 1. Hold down SHIFT key while selecting Help and then Help About. 2. There's a red car appearing on the right side of the dialog that comes up Technical Specs 1. Run Automap Streets 2. Click on Help 3. Hold the Shift Button & Press System Info 4. A Secret Technical Settings Window Appears

Easter Egg on AutoCAD

Growing Windows 1. right-click on any tool bar 2. click in any area on the toolbars pop up 3. repeat step 2 many times! Display Credits 1. go to HELP, then ABOUT 2. Double-Click on the Logo picture Release 14 Team 1. Select "About Autocad" from the Help menu 2. Hold down Control+Shift 3. Click in the graphic area of the help box displayed Picasso!!! 1. Open a drawing with text in it - not the line text, but "fat" characters. 2. Centering over a curved part of a character, zoom in using the wheel on the mouse. 3. Keep reentering it so that half the screen is the color of the letter and half is the background. 4. Enjoy the art! Release 2000 Team 1. Select "Dimension style" from the Dimension toolbar, or go to the dimension pull down menu and select "style" 2. Hold down Control+Shift 3. Click on the Preview graphic area of the Dimension style manager box. 4. A movie will pop up in a new window with a large "T" 5. s...

Easter Egg on Borland C++

Developer Credits (v 5.02) 1. Click Help, About 2. Hold down Control + Shift 3. Double click the text which appears below "Borland C++" 4. A screen will appear which lists the 5.02 development team Curious George 1. Open Borland C++ Builder 3 2. In the code editing window enter #pragma curious_george 3. This works in any project which uses pramgas 4. I have tested this in an application and a console mode app 5. enjoy the warning message The Hidden Cat 1. Create a C source with an editor, an type in the following code: #pragma keeka void main(void) {return 0;} 2. Save with a name of your choice (e.g. "egg.c") 3. Compile the source with: bcc32 egg.c 4. Watch the message the compiler displays! This should work inserting the "#pragma" line in any C source ... I've not tested it with other version of the compiler. Oh, yes, it's like the "Curious George" egg ... Command-line compiler team 1. Run "bcc32.exe -Team...

Unlimited Rapidshare Downloads

Its very easy to fool Rapidshare Server if your IP (Internet Protocol) Address is assigned by your ISP (Internet Service Provider). Just follow these simple steps: clean up IE or Netscape cookie ( In this case the one that belong to Rapidshare Website) In Command Prompt type -----> ipconfig /flushdns <---Enter type -----> ipconfig /release <---Enter type -----> ipconfig /renew <---Enter type -----> exit <--------Enter Or save these commands in a bat file and run it everytime you need to fool Rapidshare server.Remember to clean up rapidshare cookie in your temp Internet files folder. Now you should be ready to download as many files as you want from their server. And there is a cool link: paste it in the browser and see CODE

Easter Egg on At Ease

Scrolling Credits 1. hold down shift and option 2. go to the apple menu and select about at ease 3. wait and look 4. when you are done looking, click 5. sing the hokie pokie Get to Finder without Password 1. Make Sure the LC 2 has Claris works 3. and Mavis Beacon Teaches typing and only 4mb of Ram... 2. Make sure no programs are running except for At Ease... 3. Now Start up Claris Works and if it gives you a window asking what kind of document to open just click cancel... 4. Now go to the Menu that shows you what programs are open and go back to At Ease... 5. Now that you have Claris Works running in the background you can now start Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing... 6. Instead of having Mavis Beacon open, you will have it go to finder... 7. Then just go to the menu that shows you what programs are running and go back to Claris Works and close Claris Works it you be back at finder... Programmers "At Ease" 1. While holding down the Option key, choose "About A...

Easter Egg on Windows Screensaver

Volcano! Right click on the desktop and click on Properties. On the Screensaver tab, select the 3D Text screensaver and open its properties. In the text box, type "volcano".

Easter Egg on Power Point

Easter Egg Click Help > about PowerPoint. Hold down Ctrl + Alt + Shift. Triple click the background line sin the text box. zOOm Click help > About > Microsoft PowerPoint. Click the PowerPoint Logo. (double click in 2000). Use the arrow keys to speed up/down or zoom in/out.(95)

Easter Eggs on Paint Shop Pro

See your self! Open PSP (Paint Shop Pro) and click on Help > About Paint Shop Pro. Hold Ctrl + Shift and double click on the About window. Type "paintshoppro" without quotes Easter Egg Click Help > About Paint Shop Pro. hold down Ctrl and double click with the mouse.

Easter Eggs on Outlook

Catch it! In the "Find a contact" box on the toolbar, type "Ren Hoek" and press Enter. Select Tools > Macro > Macros. In the Macro Name box, type "OL2KRocks" and click the Create button. The "About Microsoft Outlook: dialog appears. Hole down Ctrl + Alt + Shift and click OK. The Outlook 2000 teams credits appear. Try to catch the names as they fly across to the mailbox. Outlook Website In, Outlook, select File > New > Contact. In the Full Name box type "Ren Hoek". Click Save and Close. Go to the Contacts page and select the new contact. Open Help > About. Hold down the Ctrl > Shift + Alt and click OK. Credits are displays and a link to a hidden Outlook Website!

Easter Eggs on Internet Explorer

See your self! Open IE 5.5 Click on Help > About. Hold down Ctrl + Shift + Alt and click on acknowledgements. Star Trek Space map! Open up IE and click Tools > Internet Options > General > Languages. Click on the Add Button. Type "ie-ee" (no quotes) and click OK. More "User Defined [ie-ee]" to the top of the list. Exit back to where you can browse in IE again. Click on Search toolbar button and click Customize. Also, select Previous Searches. in search assistant, click on Fine Yourself. in the box that says "Please specify where you would like to be found" type in anything to g to to a star trek space map!

Easter Eggs on FreeHand

Different Photos! Hold down the Ctrl key and click on Help > About to see the development team photos! Depending on your version, it will display different pictures. Easter Egg Hold down the Ctrl and click on Help > About Freehand for the Easter Egg.

Easter Eggs on Excel

Credits Launch Excel and press F5. Type: x2000:|2000 and press Enter. Hold Ctrl + Shift. Click the Chart Wizard and enjoy the credits. Game! Open Excel and on the blank worksheet, click File > Save As and choose Save as web page. Click on Publish and Add interactivity and save the file with any name you like. Load the page with Internet Explorer and go to row 2000 Column WC. Highlight all of row 2000 and press Tab to make column WC the active column. Hold down Ctrl + Alt + Shift and click on the Office Icon. Use the arrow keys to drive your car. The "0" key to drop paint slicks. The space bar to shoot. The "H" key for headlights. Note: You need DirectX for this to work.

Easter Eggs on Dreamweaver

More eggs Select any picture in your web page and open up the properties palette. Hold down Ctrl and double-click Preview Picture on the Properties palette. To see more eggs, continue holding Ctrl and double-clicking Preview Picture. Welcome to Foghorns Select the Help box. Search help for "Target". Select "Welcome to Foghorns Homepage!

Easter Eggs on Corel Photo-Paint

Fire the balloon Click Help > About. Hold down Ctrl + Shift and double click the Corel Balloon picture. Click and hold the right mouse Button to fire up the balloon. Double click the sky icon in the right hand upper corner for more effects. Picture Hold down Ctrl + Left shift and click on Help > About. Release the keys and double click an icon picture in the About box.

Easter Eggs on Corel Draw

Credits Click on Help > About CorelDraw. Double click on a balloon icon and Enjoy the Program credits. To exit out, press ESC. Elvis falls! Hold down Shift + Ctrl and click on Help > About CorelDraw. Double click on an icon picture and click the right mouse button. Watch as Elvis falls in a parachute!

Easter Eggs on Adobe Illustrator

Credits Press CTRL, ALT and click on the Venus picture on the top of the toolbar. The credit screen comes up and all the developers names are anagrammed.

Easter Eggs on Windows 95

Bill Gates' Horse, Nugget 1. Start Windows 95. 2. Wait until you see the mouse cursor in the middle of a black screen. 3. Press in the following keys in this order (Do not type commas): 4. Ctrl, F6, Right shift, Delete, then click the right mouse button. 5. If you do it before the black screen is replaced by wallpaper, it shows Bill Gates' horse, Nugget. 3D Text Screen Saver Volcano Names (same as Windows NT) 1. Right click on desktop 2. Click properties 3. Click on screen-saver tab 4. Choose 3-D text, and click on settings 5. Type in the text box- "volcano" 6. Click ok, and enjoy Computers Theme Wait cursor If you select the "Computers" theme, the cursor for "Wait" will be a small monitor with a red and blue image. There is a series of bits running through it. I thought that is probably a "W" for Windows or something, but if you decode it properly - it's a plus-sign! The Shadow Knows 1. Go to the start menu and cli...

Easter Eggs on Windows 98 and 98 SE

Windows 98 Team 1. In the Windows directory go to "Application Data\Microsoft\WELCOME" 2. Create a Shortcut for the file Weldata.exe by right clicking on the file and selecting "Create Shortcut" 3. Right click on the newly created shortcut and select "Properties" 4. In the shortcut tab, add the following at the end of the "Target" edit box " You_are_a_real_rascal". This causes the application WELDATA.EXE to be called with the argument 'You_are_a_real_rascal' 5. Now in the "Run" combobox select "Minimized" 6. Click OK and double click the shortcut & ENJOY! Registration Wizard hidden credits 1. Click Start, Run, and type WELCOME.EXE to load the Welcome to Windows program. 2. Click REGISTER NOW. 3. When the first screen of the WINDOWS 98 REGISTRATION WIZARD comes up, hold down CTRL-SHIFT and right click on the image to the left. 4. Voila.. hidden credits from the program's creators. Referen...

Easter Eggs on Windows NT

Volcano 1. Right click on the desktop and select Properties. Or open Control Panel from the Start button/Settings menu and select Display. 2. From the Display Properties, select Screen Saver. 3. Select 3D Text (OpenGL) as your screen saver type. 4. Click on the Settings button to configure the screen saver. 5. Change the text that the screen saver will display to "Not Evil". 6. Click OK to save the changes. Click the test button or wait until the screen saver kicks in the next time. 7. This will show the names of all the members of the Windows NT developer team. 8. You can also try the changing the text to "Volcano". 9. This will display the names of a bunch of volcanoes all over the world. Pipes Screensaver 1. Open Control Panel 2. Open Desktop 3. Select 3D Pipes (OpenGL) as the screen saver 4. Click Setup, and set the joint style to mixed. 5. When the screen saver comes on - look closely. Every once in a while, a 'teapot joint' will appear....

Easter Eggs on Windows ME

Teacup Screen Saver 1. right click on desktop 2. click properties 3. click screen saver tab 4. choose 3D pipes 5. click settings 6. choose multiple pipes 7. choose traditional with mixed joints 8. resolution to max 9. solid texture 10. click OK 11. watch screen saver and every so often, the joint will be a teacup. Volcano Names Screensaver 1. Go to Display Properties (under Control Panel) 2. Click on 'Screen Saver' tab 3. Select the '3D Text (Open GL)' Screensaver. 3. Hit the 'Settings' Button. 4. Change the text to 'volcano'. You will have a screen saver listing different volcano names from the Northwest of the United States, where Microsoft is located.

Easter Eggs on Windows 2000

Boss key for games included with Win2k 1) Start->Program Files->Accessories->Games->Mine Sweeper 2) While playing the Mine Sweeper game or any other Microsoft-supplied game... 3) Hit the ESC key and window will close. 4) The task bar will contain "Budget.xcl" instead of the name of the program that was running. Bill Gates 1. Right click the mouse, go to properties and backgrounds. 2. Choose clouds tiled as your background. 3. Click apply then ok, and go back to the main screen. 4. Click on my computer, and then change the name to my microsoft, don't move the mouse. 5. A video of bill gates, and some other software developers will appear if you don't move the mouse. Teapots are still here... The teapots in the 3D Pipes screen saver from Win95 and NT still work: 1. Change your screen saver to 3D Pipes(OpenGL). 2. click Settings 3. Change the settings to Multiple Pipes, Traditional joints, with Mixed joint type. Set the resolution to max. 4....

Easter Eggs on Windows XP

"0" Blank File, and Clock AVI File For Windows XP, If you look in your "My Computer\C:\WINDOWS\" In this folder, after all other folders, you find a text file named "0". If you open it, nothing will be in there, hence the filename "0". Another thing would be a file called "Clock". It's an AVI file. It can open it in Windows Media Player. It's a very simple and plain animation. These 2 files, were probably left in by the Microsoft Programmers as Easter-Eggs for anyone that could find them. Con Folder 1. In any windows or dos try to make a folder named 'con'. 2. You will be presented by an error that it already exists, or other error preventing you creating this directory. "Quotes" in windows XP Ok, there is a secret file in Windows XP called "quotes". In order to get there you must be somewhat familiar with how to use Windows, simply open up My Computer (explorer) and double click on your mai...

Top 10 Tweaks, Tips, and Tricks for Windows Vista

1. If you’re annoyed by Internet Explorer’s incessant barking that you’ve lowered your security settings (like, if you’re a non-paranoid expert), launch “gpedit.msc” from either the Run command or Start Search field, navigate through Local Computer Policy / Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / Windows Components / Internet Explorer. In the rightmost pane, double-click “Turn off the Security Settings Check feature” and set it to Enabled. 2. If Internet Explorer’s Information Bar also annoys you, you can turn it off (again) in the Group Policy Object Editor (gpedit.msc) through Local Computer Policy / Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / Windows Components / Internet Explorer / Security Features. In the rightmost pane, double-click “Internet Explorer Processes” and set it to Disabled. Hallelujah! 3. I’ve just mentioned two tweaks that are buried inside the Group Policy Editor. Jim Allchin pointed out that there’s a Group Policy Settings Reference spre...

Playing Bioshock on older cards (Shader 2.0)

As you might already know, Bioshock requires a shader model 3.0 gfx card. While you can still run this game on a shader 2.0 card (such as ATI Radeon 9800), it will leave you with no mouse cursor and a lot of missing textures in the game. Now there were a lot of people with these cards waiting to play this incredible game and since you are reading this article I guess you are one of them too :) So, what do we do ? Well, it appears that Bioshock shaders can easily be replaced and there are good replacements available already. We're not gonna go into details here, if you want more you can go here for more details on this. There you can find the newest updates regarding this. You can also download the shader 2.0 fix v4 (latest as of this writing) here, link at the bottom. Here are some video cards with pixel/vertex shader 2.0: ATI Radeon 9500, 9550, 9600, 9700, 9800, X300, X550, X600, X700, X800, X850 Nvidia GeForce FX 5200, 5500, 5600, 5700, 5800, 5900, 5950 and here ar...

Downloading multiple files using FlashGet & Rapidshare premium

Firstly, if you are using rapidshare, you should get a premium account, period. It is really cheap and it will save you a lot of hassle, besides there really is no convenient way to download multiple files on rapidshare without it. Got one? Ok, let's proceed... Now, these are the instructions for users, but I guess it should be similar for too, although I haven't tested it. First, you need to set up rapidshare for direct downloads: 1. Go to, navigate to Premium zone -> Premium-zone Login and click on Options 2. Check direct-downloads and click Save Now you need to install a download manager that can work with rapidshare, such as Orbit or FlashGet. We will describe the procedure for FlashGet here. Using Flashget you can download multiple files simultaneously and pause/resume rapidshare downloads, you can also schedule downloads, control download speed and a bunch of other stuff. If you don't have FlashGet, you can ...

Having problems with AVG Antivirus ??

Several weeks ago i had a problem with AVG Antivirus v8.x.x And this is the error message that i've got : Local machine: installation failed Installation: Error: Action failed for file avgwdsvc.exe: creating service.... Error 0x80070431 Because of that i gotta un-installing the antivirus and need it to update again. It's really annoying, you know guys. And when i do that, i had another problem that the antivirus couldn't removed from the system ... o my god, it's really sucks. I'm browsing into the net and looking for the answer. gotcha, suddenly i found inside AVG website about a tool that could help my problem disappear. That software was called AVG Remover Tools (32bit) . I tried to download and install to my PC. It all works fine, AVG v8 was removed from the system and i could install AVG 8 again or even AVG v9. Good Luck guys, hope this could help you too

Masking Tutorials

Selecting & Extracting Hair - Extraction Tips One of the most challenging montage or masking jobs in the profession of post-production editing is the hair lift. When the model has long flowing hair and the subject needs to change location many post-production artists call in sick. Get it wrong and, just like a bad wig, it shows. Extract filters, Magic Erasers and Tragic Extractors don’t even get us close. Portrait image by Dan Stainsby The first secret step must be completed before you even press the shutter on the camera. Your number one essential step for success is to first shoot your model against a white backdrop, sufficiently illuminated so that it is captured as white rather than gray. This important aspect of the initial image capture ensures that the resulting hair transplant is seamless and undetectable. The post-production is the easy bit - simply apply the correct sequence of editing steps and the magic is all yours. This is not brain surgery but follo...

Channels To Mask Out Difficult Images Tutorials

It would be very difficult and time consuming to separate this image from the background because of the complexity and fine detail involved with the feathers on the woman's headdress. This tutorial will focus on using Channels to help mask out complex objects with clean edges. This technique will also save you a lot of time. The initial goal is to separate the feathers from the pink background on the left side of the face, and there are lots of places where tiny bits of pink are showing through the feathers. We will use Alpha Channels, Quick Masks, Levels, Brushes and Color Range. STEP 1 - Make A Duplicate Layer Make a duplicate layer of the image. This way the original is preserved on the background and we are working on a duplicated layer. Hide the background by clicking off its visibility icon. Choose Select> Color Range from the Menu. When the Color Range Dialog box open, choose the Left Eye Dropper tool and click on the background color in the image window (pink). You ...

Setup and Use Internet Connection Sharing

With Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) in Windows XP, you can connect one computer to the Internet, then share the Internet service with several computers on your home or small office network. The Network Setup Wizard in Windows XP Professional will automatically provide all of the network settings you need to share one Internet connection with all the computers in your network. Each computer can use programs such as Internet Explorer and Outlook Express as if they were directly connected to the Internet. You should not use this feature in an existing network with Windows 2000 Server domain controllers, DNS servers, gateways, DHCP servers, or systems configured for static IP addresses. Enabling ICS The ICS host computer needs two network connections. The local area network connection, automatically created by installing a network adapter, connects to the computers on your home or small office network. The other connection, using a 56k modem, ISDN, DSL, or cable modem, connects th...

Creating Online Portfolio Gallery Tutorials

Times really have changed! Only a few years ago it was par for the course to travel across town (or the country) lugging a heavy portfolio case full of treasured works, or mailing them to a faceless stranger. There was the fear of damage, or worse still, hearing the words, "Can you just leave it here with us for a few days," not knowing what will happen to them as soon as we turn our backs. I have a hunch that the printed portfolio will be with us well into the future. However there is a growing trend to put a portfolio on the web. This has obvious advantages; Your site is up 24/7, it's cheap, can be viewed by anyone around the world and the potential audience is huge. Since launching almost 5 years ago, over 3 million people from around the world have viewed my portfolio, this would be impossible without the web. Photoshop makes it very easy to build an online portfolio. I will show you how in just a few steps and we can do it all from the File Br...

Windows XP File Sharing

File sharing . Is the sharing of a disk or printer between computers . If a disk or folder is shared, everyone on the network can access it. You have the ability to set password and permissions for the shared disk or folder for security therefore Windows XP tries to protect you from some potential security risks Right click the disk or folder that you want to share and select Sharing and Security. NOTE: The first time you do this the Networking wizard will appear ..CLOSE IT..:- The Wizard automatically enables the Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) to prevent other Internet users from accessing your shared disks and folders. Enabling ICF is a good idea if you connect directly to the Internet through a dial-up, DSL, or cable modem. But it's a terrible idea if you connect to the Internet through your LAN, using a software router (like Internet Connection Sharing) or a hardware router, since it will block File and Printer Sharing.  The disk or folder that you share, al...

Enabling Hibernation

Under Windows 98, Me, or 2000 there was an option in the shutdown dialog box to enter the computer into hibernation (where all the content of the RAM is copied to the hard disk). The shutdown dialog box of Windows XP doesn't offer any longer the hibernation button. Some users may get confused about how to enable the hibernation mode. If this mode is supported by your motherboard (ACPI) you have to do the following: Click Start and Shut Down, Point the standby button and maintain the shift key pushed, A new hibernation button appears: click it while still holding the shift key: voila your PC will hibernate.

Lens Correction Filter Tutorials

The Lens correction filter is truly amazing, being able to repair all kinds of distortions. Not only can it remedy the bulging created by a wide-angle lens, and the weird distortion created by taking a photo too close to subject – such as the bulging nose of a friend – but it can also straighten images taken at angles and make them appear as if they were shot straight on. To demonstrate, let's take an image that suffers from many problems, and correct it. STEP 1 - Open The Filter Open an affected image and choose Filter: Distort: Lens Correction. Figure 1 shows the filter's dialogue box. Notice the grid that assists us in lining things up. STEP 2 - Straighten The Image The first job is to straighten the image. It's impossible to fix all the other angles if the image is not straight first. Choose the straighten tool from the left side of the dialogue box. Click-&-drag across the image to define the new horizon. Try to follow a horizontal line in the i...

The Scan Disk was Gone

Scandisk is not a part of Windows XP - instead you get the improved CHKDSK. You can use the Error-checking tool to check for file system errors and bad sectors on your hard disk. 1: Open My Computer, and then select the local disk you want to check. 2: On the File menu, click Properties. 3: On the Tools tab, under Error-checking, click Check Now. 4: Under Check disk options, select the Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors check box. All files must be closed for this process to run. If the volume is currently in use, a message box will appear prompting you to indicate whether or not you want to reschedule the disk checking for the next time you restar...

On Screen Keyboard

Want to use an on screen keyboard? Well it is this simple - Click on the start button and select run. Then type in osk in the box and click OK.

Never Re-Activate After Installation

If you have to reinstall Windows XP you normally will have to reactivate too. Well not anymore.  Just copy wpa.dbl after you activated the first time.  It is located in the WINDOWS\system32 folder.  Now if you reinstall Windows XP just copy the file back and you're up and running again.

Keyboard Shortcuts

When speed counts, the keyboard is still king. Almost all the actions and commands you can perform with a mouse you can perform faster using combinations of keys on your keyboard. These simple keyboard shortcuts can get you where you want to go faster than several clicks of a mouse. You'll work faster on spreadsheets and similar documents, too, because you won't lose your place switching back and forth between mouse and keys. Here are some of the most useful keyboard shortcuts: Copy. CTRL+C Cut. CTRL+X Paste. CTRL+V Undo. CTRL+Z Delete. DELETE Delete selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin. SHIFT+DELETE Copy selected item. CTRL while dragging an item Create shortcut to se...
Add Album Art to any Music Folder This is easily my favorite tip! One of the coolest new features in Windows XP is its album thumbnail generator, which automatically places the appropriate album cover art on the folder to which you are copying music (generally in WMA format). But what about those people that have already copied their CDs to the hard drive using MP3 format? You can download album cover art from sites such as or, and then use the new Windows XP folder customize feature to display the proper image for each folder. But this takes time--you have to manually edit the folder properties for every single folder--and you will lose custom...