Planned Preventative Maintenance

Pirana’s uncomplicated, yet power-packed, calendar-based PM planner is accessible via the Work Scheduler. From high-frequency, on-the-day inspections to 20 year major refurbishments, you can include tasks of all frequencies. And, Pirana can be configured to release work automatically or manually. Pirana supports virtually any regular pattern of work, including, yearly, monthly and daily. Jobs can be scheduled on a specific day of the week or month – or on multiple days of the week, for example, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, not Tuesday and Friday. Minor tasks you don’t want to see can be suppressed. Easy drag-and-drop allows individual plans or entire schedules to be shifted to an earlier or later timeslot.

Your non-asset plans can also be added to the Work Scheduler, so any type of task can be tracked against Clients, Locations and Contacts.


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