Easter Eggs on Windows 2000

Boss key for games included with Win2k
1) Start->Program Files->Accessories->Games->Mine Sweeper
2) While playing the Mine Sweeper game or any other Microsoft-supplied game...
3) Hit the ESC key and window will close.
4) The task bar will contain "Budget.xcl" instead of the name of the program that was running.

Bill Gates
1. Right click the mouse, go to properties and backgrounds.
2. Choose clouds tiled as your background.
3. Click apply then ok, and go back to the main screen.
4. Click on my computer, and then change the name to my microsoft, don't move the mouse.
5. A video of bill gates, and some other software developers will appear if you don't move the mouse.

Teapots are still here...
The teapots in the 3D Pipes screen saver from Win95 and NT still work:
1. Change your screen saver to 3D Pipes(OpenGL).
2. click Settings
3. Change the settings to Multiple Pipes, Traditional joints, with Mixed joint type. Set the resolution to max.
4. Click OK
5. Watch

Volcano Screensaver
1) Right click on "Properties" on the desktop.
2) Go to the "Screensaver" menu.
3) Go to the 3-D text screensaver and open the properties.
4) In the text box, type "volcano" (without quotes).
Enjoy! Note: this is the same egg that has already been listed in Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT
