Easter Eggs on Windows 98 and 98 SE

Windows 98 Team
1. In the Windows directory go to "Application Data\Microsoft\WELCOME"
2. Create a Shortcut for the file Weldata.exe by right clicking on the file and selecting "Create Shortcut"
3. Right click on the newly created shortcut and select "Properties"
4. In the shortcut tab, add the following at the end of the "Target" edit box " You_are_a_real_rascal". This causes the application WELDATA.EXE to be called with the argument 'You_are_a_real_rascal'
5. Now in the "Run" combobox select "Minimized"
6. Click OK and double click the shortcut & ENJOY!

Registration Wizard hidden credits
1. Click Start, Run, and type WELCOME.EXE to load the Welcome to Windows program.
3. When the first screen of the WINDOWS 98 REGISTRATION WIZARD comes up, hold down CTRL-SHIFT and right click on the image to the left.
4. Voila.. hidden credits from the program's creators.

Reference to Wassily Kandinsky in Setup
In the actual Windows 98 setup files, there is a file called "DOSSETUP.BIN". If you look at the contents of this file with Notepad, Wordpad, DOS's EDIT, or any other text editor, you will find the following phrase near the end of the file:

Wassily Kandinsky was the great Russian painter who participated in the Expressionist movement in Germany, taught at the Bauhaus, and edited the Blue Rider Almanac.

Hearts Card Look
1. Press Start Button and then press "Run".
2. Type "regedit".
3. Goto: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Applets\Hearts
4. Insert a new String called "ZB".
5. Then Type "42" as String.
6. Start Hearts
7. Press CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+F12 to see the Cards of the others.

Eject your PC!
1.Press Start.
2.Then Programs.
3.Then Applications.
4.Right click on calculator, then properties.
5.Click change icon. Double click the normal calculator icon.
6.Press Ok.
7.Press Start.
8.Wait a couple of seconds.

Windows 98 Team 2
1. Double click on the clock to bring up the date & time properties
2. Click on the 'Time Zone' tab
3. Hold down the Ctrl Key, ( here's the hard part,) Click and hold the mouse button down on Cairo Egypt.
4. With the mouse button still down, drag the pointer to Baton Rouge, LA.
5. Release the mouse button, but continue holding control.
6. Click the mouse button, and drag from Baton Rouge to Redmond, WA, release the button, and if it was done right, the same movie as was played in the 'Windows 98 Team' will play. Just a different way to get to it.
