Creating Online Portfolio Gallery Tutorials
Times really have changed! Only a few years ago it was par for the course to travel across town (or the country) lugging a heavy portfolio case full of treasured works, or mailing them to a faceless stranger. There was the fear of damage, or worse still, hearing the words, "Can you just leave it here with us for a few days," not knowing what will happen to them as soon as we turn our backs. I have a hunch that the printed portfolio will be with us well into the future. However there is a growing trend to put a portfolio on the web. This has obvious advantages; Your site is up 24/7, it's cheap, can be viewed by anyone around the world and the potential audience is huge. Since launching almost 5 years ago, over 3 million people from around the world have viewed my portfolio, this would be impossible without the web. Photoshop makes it very easy to build an online portfolio. I will show you how in just a few steps and we can do it all from the File Br...
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