New, pristine and no legacy code

Pirana is totally brand new and state-of-the-art.

Some other CMMS providers have taken a short-cut to Internet-deployable systems by adding ‘wrapper’ code to old, so-called ‘legacy’ code hacked from an out-dated system. This can make for a clunky feel, operational inefficiencies and poor security. Silk purse and sow’s ear don’t nearly convey the quality of the outcome of this Heath Robinson mishmash. “You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig” – Senator Barack Obama’s quipped during the run up to his election as President; that remark is very fitting here. You’re the buyer, so do beware!

Pirana has no second-hand donor parts duck-taped in; none of Pirana’s bits have been salvaged from systems better off on the scrapheap. And ‘new’ doesn’t mean unproven reliability. Pirana has Brawn Formula One reliability thanks to its intensive test bed and track testing – and of course its pedigree.
